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Industries We Support

Automotive - Sales, Service & Repair

The large average ticket size of car repairs and parts can expose auto merchants to fund holds or devastatingly large chargebacks.

View Auto Industry Solutions

Building Materials & Construction

Between keeping builds on schedule, managing inventory and labor, and landing new contracts, a construction company owner doesn’t have time to haggle over surprise transaction fees and overpriced equipment.

View Construction Industry Solutions

Restaurant & Food Service

From one-register food trucks to national chains, the diversity of restaurant payment processing environments means that there is no single best provider for all restaurant types.

Restaurant & Food Service Solutions


If you already run a successful brick-and-mortar operation with a limited online presence, you may wonder whether it’s worth the risk to switch processors just to set up an internet storefront.

E-Commerce Solutions

Hospitality & Tourism

SwipeNow has the payment processing solutions and the hospitality industry experience to provide your business with tools to service your customers.

Hospitality & Tourism Solutions

Lawyers & Legal Aid

Law firms require credit card processing that is both simple and sophisticated.

Lawyers & Legal Aid Solutions

Medical & Dental

Health care providers frequently need to accept debit credit card payments, but not in the same way that conventional retailers do.

Medical & Dental Solutions

Retail Industry

Because nearly every merchant account provider offers some kind of general credit card processing solution for retail, it can be difficult to tell good providers from bad.

Retail Solutions


The decision to seek major medical care for a pet is often highly emotional for the owner, and it’s usually complicated by the consistently high costs of veterinary care.

Veterinary Solutions